

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Art / Bad Art

Good Art - In my opinion i believe good art is art that you can relate to. When you look at it, it kind of speaks to you and sends you messages subliminally. Good art is that kind that takes time and effort. It has a lot of details and looks realistic, almost like a photograph. A good example is realism art (below)

Dance by Juan Medina

Bad Art - To me bad art is art that is simple. It looks like no effort was put into it. For example: Two strokes of paint on a white canvas. Some might call it art, but i say if a 5 year old can do it, then its not. I feel like some modernist art (below) is not good art. Its just lots of shapes, lines and/or colors on a canvas.

Compisition A by Piet Mondrian

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